Disability vs. Mental Illness

There are a lot of bad stigmas attached to disabled people. One of them is confusing mental illness with disability. Many people often think that mental disability and mental illness are the same. The main reason is the lack of education. 

However, another main reason is that the treatments for both are quite similar. Therefore, people with mental disabilities are often associated with developed mental illness. However, this article will discuss the key difference between mental illness and mental disability. 

  • Mental illness develops as a result of trauma or psychological stress. People suffering from mental illness can perform rather normally in many areas of life. However, they need time to recuperate from mental illness by going to therapies or medical treatments. Disability is a completely different thing. It is often the result of an accident or biological or genetic disorders. It is more like a permanent condition that significantly hampers a person’s ability. 


  • Mentally ill people can easily make intellectual decisions and can utilize their abilities to the fullest. It is an emotional and psychological response to certain aspects of life which differentiate them from normal people. In the case of mentally disabled people, their ability or process or understand complex information is significantly reduced. 


  • Mental illness is often curable. By taking relevant medications and going to proper treatments or therapies, mentally ill people can recover from their illness. Unfortunately, such a facility is not available for mentally disabled people. The condition can either be minimized or coping strategies can be adopted to facilitate people with mental disabilities.